Ankara doubles down on sustainable urban mobility by joining MobiliseYourCity

Ankara is on the path to sustainable urban mobility. This September, the city became MobiliseYourCity's latest member and is already turning its commitment into concrete action. With support from the Partnership, Ankara aims to reduce the city's carbon footprint and and improve the quality of life of it's 5,7 million inhabitants by promoting more sustainable, low-carbon transport.
With funds from the European Union and AFD, Ankara is in the process of developing a SUMP and extending it's Light Rail Transit system to combat urban sprawl, low service accessibility, heavy traffic congestion, and a decades-long neglect of public transport and active mobility.
Not only has the capital of Türkiye high ambitions when it comes to sustainable urban mobility. In the context of this year's European Mobility Week, the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye organized in Ankara a high-level event to showcase the various activities conducted throughout the country to promote sustainable modes of transport, especially walking and cycling. MobiliseYourCity was present, together with the European Delegation, AFD, various Turkish municipalities and European embassies.
On the path to sustainable urban mobility, the Union of Municipalities of Türkiye will play a central role. With support from the European Union, it will become the country's technical institution to support municipalities interested in developing SUMPs. We hope that this will encourage more Turkish cities to join MobiliseYourCity and benefit from our Global Community of Practice and our resources on sustainable urban mobility planning.