Supporting mobility planning with technical assistance

The MobiliseYourCity regions and their projects: 

MobiliseYourCity SUMPs and NUMPs in Africa

MobiliseYourCity has 35 member cities in Africa with a total population of over 53 million, and 9 national governments in member countries with an aggregate urban population of over 100 million. Capitals and major cities in West and Central Africa and the Maghreb are represented, including Abidjan, Yaoundé, Douala, Dakar, Kumasi and Maputo, as well as Casablanca and Rabat.

The French Development Agency (AFD) is involved in almost all MobiliseYourCity projects in Africa and is the leader of the partnership's activities on this continent. With the participation of CODATU and Cerema, AFD supports the preparation of 12 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), 8 of which under direct management, and 4 under the responsibility of local authorities. Five of these SUMPs have been finalised as of 2023.

As of December 2023, the region has seen the completion of 5 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and 3 National Urban Mobility Plans (NUMPs). Among these, 4 SUMPs and 1 NUMP are currently in the implementation stage.

The Partnership has also supported the development of National Urban Mobility Policies (NUMPs) in Cameroon (by AFD) and Tunisia (through a collaboration between AFD, GIZ and CODATU), as well as various technical assistance to 6 cities and national governments.

Our projects in the region

City, Country



Link to factsheet

Cameroon   Adopted Cameroon
Yaoundé, Cameroon   Adopted Yaoundé
Douala, Cameroon   Adopted Douala
Bouaké, Ivory Coast   Completed Bouaké
Dire Dawa, Ethiopia   Adopted Dire Dawa
Kumasi, Ghana   Adopted Kumasi
Morocco   Completed Morocco
Casablanca, Morocco   Ongoing Casablanca
Al-Assima (Rabat Salé), Morocco   Ongoing Al-Assima 
Khouribga, Morocco   Ongoing Khouribga
Maputo, Mozambique   Ongoing Maputo
Dakar, Senegal   Adopted Dakar
Tunisia   Adopted Tunisia
Antananarivo, Madagascar   Ongoing Antananarivo
Lomé, Togo   Ongoing Lomé
Mwanza, Tanzania   Ongoing Mwanza


Examples of completed projects in the region

MobiliseYourCity SUMPs and NUMPs in Asia

MobiliseYourCity has 14 member cities in Asia with a total population of 36 million, and 4 national governments in member countries with an aggregate urban population of over 550 million, including India.

The French Development Agency (AFD) leads the effort to support urban mobility planning through AFD-funded Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) in 8 cities, of which 4 in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and one with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). In India, AFD provides technical assistance to 3 cities and to the national government with financing from the European Union.

As of December 2023, the region has seen the completion of 3 SUMPs and 1 NUMP. Among these, 2 SUMPs and the 1 NUMP are currently in the implementation stage. 

Supported by BMUV through the TRANSfer project, GIZ supports the national governments of the Philippines and Thailand for the preparation and implementation of their national urban mobility policies and programmes (NUMPs).

Our projects in the region

City, Country


Link to Factsheet

Philippines Adopted Philippines
India Completed India
Ahmedabad, India Completed Ahmedabad
Kochi, India Completed Kochi
Nagpur, India Completed Nagpur
Medan, Indonesia Completed Medan
Abbottabad, Pakistan Completed Abbottabad
Peshawar, Pakistan Ongoing Peshawar
Mingora, Pakistan Ongoing Mingora
Tbilisi, Georgia Ongoing Tbilisi
Kurunegala, Sri Lanka Ongoing Kurunegala
Thailand Ongoing Thailand


Examples of completed projects in the region

MobiliseYourCity SUMPs and NUMPs in Latin America

MobiliseYourCity has 18 member cities in Latin America with a total population of over 35 million, and 3 national governments in member countries with an aggregate urban population of over 60 million. The partnership also supports 3 national governments and 5 cities that are not yet officially members.

22 technical assistance projects are carried on in the region under the MobiliseYourCity Partnership, supporting 9 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) from which 3 include pilot projects, 6 National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programmes (NUMPs) and 7 standalone pilot projects or other technical assistance. These projects are funded by the European Union, by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMU), and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ and AFD. 

As of December 2023, the region has seen the completion of 8 SUMPs and 3 NUMPs. Among these, 4 SUMPs and 2 NUMPs are currently in the implementation stage. 

Our projects in the region

City, Country


Link to Factsheet

Córdoba, Argentina Ongoing Córdoba
La Paz, Bolivia Ongoing La Paz
Belo Horizonte, Brazil Completed Belo Horizonte
Teresina, Brazil Completed Teresina
Baixada Santista, Brazil Completed Baixada Santista
Chile Completed Chile
Antofagasta, Chile Adopted Antofagasta
Colombia Adopted Colombia
Ibagué, Colombia Completed Ibagué
La Habana, Cuba Adopted La Habana
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Adopted Santo Domingo
Ecuador Completed Ecuador
Ambato, Ecuador Completed Ambato
Puebla, Mexico Ongoing Puebla
Guadalajara, Mexico Adopted Guadalajara
Paraguay Ongoing Paraguay
Trujillo, Peru Adopted Trujillo
Arequipa, Peru Adopted Arequipa
Uruguay Ongoing Uruguay
San Juan Comalapa, Guatemala Completed San Juan Comalapa
Curridabat & Montes de Oca, Costa Rica Completed Curridabat & Montes de Oca

Examples of projects in the region

MobiliseYourCity SUMPs and NUMPs in Eastern Europe

MobiliseYourCity has 5 member cities in Ukraine, with a total population of nearly 2 million.

As of December 2023, the region has seen the completion of 3 SUMPs, among which all 3 are currently in the implementation phase.

Ukraine has invested in decentralisation in the past years, strengthening local governments with new capacities and mandates. In line with the approach of integrated urban development, they are expected to tackle urban development issues through comprehensive and interdisciplinary processes. Plans developed on this basis support sustainable development, social balance and diversity.

Member cities in Ukraine are supported by GIZ on mobility planning and support to sustainable mobility through the project Integrated Urban Development in Ukraine. This support is funded by the German Ministry of International Cooperation (BMZ) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).

Our projects in the region

City, Country


Link to Factsheet

Czernowitz, Ukraine Adopted Czernowitz
Lviv, Ukraine Adopted Lviv
Poltava, Ukraine Adopted Poltava
Vinnytsia, Ukraine Adopted Vinnytsia
Zhytomyr, Ukraine Adopted Zhytomyr


Examples of completed projects in the region