Boosting sustainable urban mobility: MobiliseYourCity Secures 1.75 Billion Euros for Sustainable Urban Mobility

In 2023, MobiliseYourCity saw an additional 58 million euros leveraged by the adoption of SUMPs and NUMPs, resulting in a total of 1.75 billion euros for the implementation of sustainable urban mobility projects in our city and country members. SUMPs and NUMPs facilitate this shift by effectively pinpointing and initiating projects that promote more sustainable urban transportation practices with a systemic approach.
MobiliseYourCity finance continues to be dominated by investments in public transport infrastructure, representing 45% of the total identified investment need by SUMPs and NUMPs and 61% of the total leveraged finance. These investments include the first Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line in Medan, Indonesia; funding for tramway expansions T3 and T4 in Casablanca; and an investment initiative in Trujillo, Peru, aimed at constructing a north-south corridor and complementary roads.
For NUMPs, examples include the Filipino government's backing for local production of public transport vehicles and Colombia's restructuring of funds to support the renewal of electric bus fleets. These include expanding service coverage, increasing service frequency, and modernising facilities, accounting for approximately 66.4% of the overall estimated expenses.
In addition to investments in public transport, SUMPs have also identified the need for 2.5 billion euros to improve the road infrastructure, nearly 800 million euros for dedicated walking and cycling facilities, and around 40 million euros to support port-area logistics investments.
Moreover, by helping local and national governments develop sustainable urban mobility and achieve Sustainable Development Goals, SUMPS and NUMPs enable financing by providing donors and lenders with a sound rationale for investment in the sector. For instance, the existence of Ambato SUMP has improved its funding favourability from the Ecuadorian Development Bank and KfW. Similarly, the existence of the Yaoundé SUMP has improved the city’s funding favourability from both domestic and international sources, catalysing the implementation of measures included in the SUMP’s action plan. Additionally, the SUMPs in Cameroun have led to the commitment from various donors, including the European Union and AFD in Yaoundé and the World Bank in Douala. Following the adoption of the NUMP in Tunisia, the government has established a dedicated fund for urban transport investment aimed at supporting innovative small-scale projects that catalyse further action.
For more information on how MobiliseYourCity links projects to finance, check out our Global Monitor 2024.