The CODATU Bogota 2023 Regional Forum "Urban Mobility in Latin America

The CODATU Regional Forum "Urban Mobility in Latin America" was held in Bogota, Colombia, from the 26 to the 28 June 2023.
Co-organised by CODATU, Transdev and the University of the Andes, the event brought together representatives from more than 15 Latin American cities (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and Mexico), as well as from a number of African and French cities, along with business leaders (operators, manufacturers, design offices, etc.), leading academics, donors, NGOs and experts from the urban mobility sector.

The forum panels at the University of the Andes provided an opportunity for rich exchanges on the issues of governance, planning, financing, the transition from conventional transport to an integrated and modern transport system, social and gender inclusion, intermodality, the development of active modes and electric mobility.

Technical visits to the TransMiCable, Laguna bus and BRT depots, and tactical urban planning initiatives in the San Felipe district, demonstrated the dynamic innovation and social action associated with the transport projects underway in Bogotá.
The event provided an opportunity to present the results of the Forum and CODATU's prospects in the region (a new regional forum, training courses, consolidation of a network of the Autorités organisatrices de la mobilité, etc.).
It was also an opportunity to discuss the lessons learned from transport and mobility projects in Latin America at a round table, and to draw parallels with initiatives in CODATU's partner cities in France, Africa and Asia. We can see the importance of circulating mobility models, always paying attention to adaptation to the local context, and in particular to integration with small-scale transport, management and maintenance of the infrastructure and the social action associated with the project.
This report from the CODATU Bogota 2023 Forum, organised with the support of Leonard, Vinci's foresight and innovation platform, provided a wealth of information and discussion!
For more information, see the CODATU Forum review article or the feedback on the CODATU Bogota 2023 Forum.