MobiliseYourCity's projects in Latin America
MobiliseYourCity has 18 member cities in Latin America with a total population of over 35 million, and 3 national governments in member countries with an aggregate urban population of over 60 million. The partnership also supports 3 national governments and 5 cities that are not yet officially members.
22 technical assistance projects are carried on in the region under the MobiliseYourCity Partnership, supporting 9 Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) from which 3 include pilot projects, 6 National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programmes (NUMPs) and 7 standalone pilot projects or other technical assistance. These projects are funded by the European Union, by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMU), and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ and AFD.
Our projects in the region
City, Country |
Type of Support |
Financing |
Implementation |
Status |
Link to country page |
Córdoba, Argentina | SUMP preparation and pilot project | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (AFD) | Ongoing | Argentina |
La Paz, Bolivia | Pilot project | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (AFD) | Ongoing | Bolivia |
Belo Horizonte, Brazil | Pilot project on road safety | BMU | Wuppertal Institute | Ongoing | Brazil |
Teresina, Brazil | Pilot project on digital and innovation | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (AFD) | Ongoing | Brazil |
Baixada Santista, Brazil | SUMP preparation | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (AFD) | Ongoing | Brazil |
Chile | NUMP preparation | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (GIZ) | Ongoing | Chile |
Antofagasta, Chile | SUMP preparation | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (GIZ) | Ongoing | Chile |
Colombia | NUMP preparation | BMU | GIZ | Ongoing | Colombia |
Ibagué, Colombia | Pilot project on cycling | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (GIZ) | Ongoing | Colombia |
Curridabat & Montes de Oca, Costa Rica | Pilot project on cycling | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (GIZ) | Ongoing | Costa Riwa |
La Habana, Cuba | SUMP preparation and pilot project | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (AFD) | Ongoing | Cuba |
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic | SUMP preparation | EU | AFD | Completed | Dominican Republic |
Ecuador | NUMP preparation | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (AFD) | Ongoing | Ecuador |
Ambato, Ecuador | SUMP preparation | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (GIZ) | Ongoing | Ecuador |
San Juan Comapala, Guatemala | Pilot project on paratransit | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (GIZ) | Ongoing | Guatemala |
Puebla, Mexico | Pilot project on cycling and multimodal integration | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (AFD) | In preparation | Mexico |
Guadalajara, Mexico | SUMP preparation and pilot project | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (GIZ) | Ongoing | Mexico |
Paraguay | Support of NUMP process | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (GIZ) | Ongoing | Paraguay |
Trujillo, Peru | SUMP preparation | BMZ | GIZ | Completed | Peru |
Arequipa, Peru | SUMP preparation | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (AFD) | Ongoing | Peru |
Uruguay | NUMP preparation | EU | EUROCLIMA+ (GIZ) | Ongoing | Uruguay |
Examples of completed projects in the region
Content coming soon...
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