Including Climate Change Adaptation in urban planning and mobility: our way forward

Written by Milnael GOMEZ
On the 8th of February, in Liege, Belgium, MobiliseYourCity had the chance to present the topic of "Climate Change Adaptation in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans" during the Climate Chance Europe 2024 Summit Wallonia. The event brought together over 800 non-state actors and local and European representatives from civil society and institutions.
MobiliseYourCity participated in the pitch corner of the Climate Chance Europe 2024 Summit Wallonia to showcase the preliminary advances towards integrating climate change adaptation into urban mobility and planning. The participation at the event happened in the framework of the collaborative project -funded by ADEME and developed by MobiliseYourCity, Resalliance, Global ABC, and CODATU- "Strengthening the integration of urban planning into multilateral international initiatives on adaptation to climate change through an approach combining mobility, transport and built environment."
In Liege, we shared insights into our motivation for embarking on this journey, drawing from the diverse geographies where our project partners operate. We presented the project's description and outlined our strategy for incorporating climate change adaptation principles into urban mobility and planning frameworks. As part of the project, we are currently defining the 10 principles that will guide climate change adaptation in urban planning and mobility. Expected to be unveiled in the first semester of 2024, these principles will lay the foundation of our further work on the topic. Throughout the second semester of the project, our focus will shift towards integrating climate change adaptation into the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) methodology proposed by MobiliseYourCity.
The Climate Chance Europe 2024 Summit Wallonia served as a catalyst for enriching our understanding of climate change adaptation, drawing from a wealth of experiences across transportation, urban planning, and urban development in European cities. It also underscored an overlooked intersection between mobility and urban planning in climate adaptation—a revelation that inspires us to pursue innovative approaches in our work.
Reflecting on the lessons from the diverse experiences presented, we emphasise the critical importance of community involvement, especially the vulnerable ones, which are disproportionately impacted by climate change. We stress the need for a cross-sectoral response that integrates various city sectors to address the magnitude of the climate challenge effectively.
Furthermore, we advocate for coupling adaptation actions with mitigation measures, prompting a shift in our approach to align with climate change imperatives. Crucially, we highlight the ongoing need for financing—whether from the public or private sector—to strengthen the impact and implementation of proposed actions, ensuring resilience against climate risks before they materialize.