Mandalay commits to improving mobility

Mandalay's ambition is to develop a Smart, Green, and Clean city, supported by an integrated and sustainable urban mobility system. Elaborating a long-term vision and strategy for sustainable mobility shall allow preserving and strengthening quality of life in a city that promotes use of a comprehensive public transport system and limit the increasing use of private vehicle.
Concretely, the City of Mandalay, in Myanmar, is preparing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) which will focus on improving accessibility to public services and amenities. The SUMP should help develop a public transport network in order to reduce the congestion in the city center and to improve traffic management in general. This Plan will seek to professionalise private bus operators and provide incentives to replace the old bus fleets by low carbon vehicles.
Beyond these improvements of the public transport system, the SUMP should also allow to develop walking and cycling in the city. It will also help set up policies to improve road safety in general and air quality in the city.
AFD is supporting both Mandalay City Development Council (MCDC) and Mandalay Region Government (MRG) in their efforts to establish a sustainable urban mobility policy. The project comprises the development of a SUMP and the development of local and regional capacities.