MobiliseYourCity is 5 years old, an opportunity to reflect on our past and to look ahead to the future

5 years in review: success worth scaling
Launched by France, Germany and the European Union at COP 21 in Paris with 15 partners and 15 million Euros, MobiliseYourCity began as an initiative to support cities and countries in addressing local mobility challenges with global impacts. Today with nearly 100 partners (including a total of 60 city partners and 14 country partners) and 40 million euros, we prepare sustainable urban mobility plans, ensure access to finance, and build capacities on the way.
So far, we have mobilised nearly a billion euros for sustainable mobility projects. By 2030 we expect the full implementation of our national activities to result in a reduction of over 35 megatons of CO2-equivalent emissions. At the city-level, we expect a 20% reduction in annual emissions against business as usual in the same frame. 6 million people will have improved access to public transportation services, air pollution will decrease, and road safety will improve.
The need to raise ambition
MobiliseYourCity is encouraged by this success but also acknowledges that the demand is high, and the time is short to shape sustainable cities of the future. Indeed, three million people are moving to cities every week and, by 2050, 68% of the world population will be living in cities. $3 trillion is the estimated investment required to increase the sustainability of existing and new transport systems, which accounts for 25% of global energy-related GHG emissions, over the 2015-2035 period.
The MobiliseYourCity Partnership shows what is possible when we act collectively and with urgency and it recognises the need to increase our ambition.
Looking ahead to the next 5 years with the MobiliseYourCity Strategy 2021-2025
On 6 November 2020, our partners gathered for the 8th MobiliseYourCity Steering Committee meeting where we introduced the proposed strategy for the next five years. With the MobiliseYourCity Strategy 2021-2025, we are raising our ambition and expanding our services to cities and countries. We plan to ensure implementation of projects, and we aim to enable a fair transition in urban transport.
All of the Steering Committee voting members expressed their general alignment with the vision and approach outlined in the strategy and the concrete implementation will continue to be discussed. Our donors, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), demonstrated once again their commitment by extending their support until mid-2022.
The MobiliseYourCity Partnership is animated by mobility, and what better mobility can do for people and the planet. With this new perspective, we look forward to a continued collaboration with our partners to transform mobility and help shape sustainable cities of the future.
Watch the video we prepared to celebrate our 5-year anniversary, which will be shown at the Climate Ambition Summit on December 12th 2020.