MobiliseYourCity Event in Asia: Guiding Emerging Cities Towards Low-Carbon Mobility

The first major MobiliseYourCity event in Asia was co-organised by the ADB, the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the Global Secretariat. The event brought together the regional community of practice and active members of the Partnership in the region. Decision-makers from Partnership member cities, senior government officials, mobility practitioners, experts and MobiliseYourCity partners took part in the three-day event in Manila.
The exchanges that took place provided an opportunity to present and discuss the innovations supported by the Partnership in terms of sustainable urban mobility planning, and thus to promote a transition towards urban transport based on low-carbon solutions. Lack of investment in sustainable transport infrastructure and insufficient public awareness of the need to adopt new travel behaviour are major challenges to achieving low-carbon transport in Asia.
The event also provided an opportunity to discuss practical solutions for improving urban mobility. A session on small-scale transport, another on active modes (walking, cycling) and finally a third on the integration between urban planning and mobility, provided an opportunity to discuss the technical assistance offered by the Partnership. MobiliseYourCity has produced methodological deliverables on these themes over the last three years. Echoing this production, for each thematic session the speakers presented concrete case studies from Asian cities and other cities that are members of the Partnership. The speakers’ presentations created a breeding ground for discussions and exchanges between the participants. A day of training specifically devoted to SUMPs and urban mobility governance also provided an opportunity for very practical discussions on how to implement the plans and the conditions necessary for their development.
Finally, the gathering of MobiliseYourCity partners in Asia was an opportunity to sign a new memorandum of understanding between AFD and ADB. These two active members of the Partnership in the Asia region have thus renewed their desire and interest in working together to encourage cities in the region to adopt sustainable urban mobility plans. Behind the signing of this agreement, it is above all a question of convincing new cities to join the partnership. By doing so, these institutions want to support and help them to develop and finance projects that promote active modes of transport and the development of public transport networks, while making them more accessible to all.
For the full Highlights of the MobiliseYourCity Asia Regional Event 2023, check out the YouTube ADB Transport Sector Channel