MobiliseYourCity renews commitment to support cities in decarbonising transport

Last Saturday, on December 12, the UK (COP26 host with Italy) together with the UN and France co-hosted the Climate Ambition Summit, in partnership with Chile and Italy, on the fifth anniversary of the landmark Paris Agreement. The Summit provided a platform for leaders to announce ambitious new commitments under the Paris Agreement, on the road to COP26. It also featured announcements from non-state actors, including MobiliseYourCity, sharing their commitments to tackle the climate crisis.
The event showed a new surge in action and ambition on the road to UN climate conference COP26 in Glasgow next November. Concrete plans and new pledges from 75 countries, businesses, sectors and cities brought Paris Agreement goals a step closer. The announcements made during the Summit together with those expected early next year mean that countries representing around 65% of global CO2 emissions, and around 70% of the world’s economy, will have committed to reaching net-zero emissions or carbon neutrality by early next year.
These commitments must however now be backed up with concrete plans and actions. While national climate plans (NDCs) are being strengthened, MobiliseYourCity continues to offer concrete solutions to deliver on them. Five years after being launched at COP21, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership empowers cities to decarbonise transport and fight the global climate crisis through mobility planning and demonstrates results.
The Partnership is also raising ambition and extending its services to ensure implementation of these mobility plans. With a focus on walking and cycling, paratransit and institutional reforms, we want to empower cities to bridge planning with implementation for green and just mobility.
As a partnership of committed actors, we show what is possible when we act together and with urgency. Watch our video and join us to help shape the future we want!