MobiliseYourCity's projects in Eastern Europe

MobiliseYourCity has 5 member cities in Ukraine, with a total population of nearly 2 million.

Ukraine has invested in decentralisation in the past years, strengthening local governments with new capacities and mandates. In line with the approach of integrated urban development, they are expected to tackle urban development issues through comprehensive and interdisciplinary processes. Plans developed on this basis support sustainable development, social balance and diversity.

Member cities in Ukraine are supported by GIZ on mobility planning and support to sustainable mobility through the project Integrated Urban Development in Ukraine. This support is funded by the German Ministry of International Cooperation (BMZ) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).


Our projects in the region

City, Country

Type of support


Link to country page

Czernowitz, Ukraine Technical assistance on transport modelling Completed Ukraine
Lviv, Ukraine SUMP preparation Completed Ukraine
Poltava, Ukraine SUMP preparation Completed Urkaine
Vinnytsia, Ukraine Technical assistance on transport modelling Completed Ukraine
Zhytomyr, Ukraine SUMP preparation Completed Ukraine


Examples of completed projects in the region