Factsheet Córdoba

This factsheet from the Global Monitor 2024 presents the support of the MobiliseYourCity Partnership to the SUMP in Córdoba, Argentina.
Tools & Methodologies
Gomez Mateo
Associate Mobility Expert
A hands-on and state-of-the-art approach to guide national governments in the development of strategic, action-oriented frameworks for sustainable urban mobility.
The MobiliseYourCity Partnership Guidelines for National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programmes (NUMPs) guide national governments and those working with them lay out an ambitiuos and realistic plan for sustainable urban mobility.
The adaptable document guides users through the 4 Phases of a NUMP, as well as two crosscutting chapters:
Phase I: Initiation
Phase II: Status Quo Analysis
Phase III: Vision, Goal Setting and Measure Selection
Phase IV: Detailed Preparation
Crosscutting: Financing
Crosscutting: Monitoring, Reporting and Verification
The document was developed in collaboration with the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI). Particular support for the development of this document was provided by technical experts from the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Energy and the Environment and the GIZ.
Download the English version below.
Download the French version here.
Download the Spanish version here.