Online course on Urban Mobility

The new module of the online course on sustainable urban mobility - co-developed by the University College of London – Bartlett School of Planning and the GIZ-Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) is now available!
This module focuses on low emission mobility strategies such as public transport, active mobility, and the electrification of vehicles. This module is the second part of our course that presents to a large audience the Avoid-Shift-Improve approach, a comprehensive framework for reducing emissions in urban transport. Part one focuses on integrated transport and city planning – however, it is neither mandatory nor necessary to complete Part 1 before starting Part 2.
The course is designed according to the latest virtual learning standards: it contains case studies from 15 cities (both global north and global south), video lectures by renowned mobility and urban planning experts and a range of interactive application exercises.
Hosted on the platform FutureLearn, it is freely available.
Start date: 11th of January, 2021
Participants can register here: Transforming Urban Mobility - Online Course - FutureLearn