Promoting road safety: showcasing MobiliseYourCity SUMPs in the Global South

Written by Milnael GOMEZ
A study on road accident statistics reveals a troubling pattern: in numerous cities where MobiliseYourCity has intervened, the most vulnerable road users - pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists - bear the brunt of road crashes. In Belo Horizonte, Brazil, for instance, over 60% of casualties belong to this group, while in Córdoba, Argentina, the number escalates to a staggering 80%, as depicted in the figure.
Under the auspices of the SKUP Turkey initiative, a comprehensive training program has been initiated to empower local authorities and affiliated organisations in Sustainable Urban Mobility. Panteia has enlisted the expertise of MobiliseYourCity to contribute to the segment focusing on road safety. This collaboration provided a platform to showcase the integration of road safety measures within Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) in the Global South.
Several actions proposed in the MobiliseYourCity SUMPs highlight specific initiatives aimed at enhancing road safety. For example, in Ambato, Ecuador, and Antofagasta, Chile, the formulation of a road safety plan stands as a cornerstone of their comprehensive strategy. Similarly, in Arequipa, Peru, and Baixada Santista, Brazil, the establishment of secure infrastructure for pedestrians and cyclists plays a significant role in enhancing road safety. Another notable instance is seen in Bouaké, Ivory Coast, where the proposed redesign of the leading road network aims to increase users’ safety.
Moreover, it's crucial to recognise that various measures widely advocated in MobiliseYourCity’s SUMPs, such as improving public transport, non-motorized modes, and transportation demand management, inherently encompass road safety co-benefits. These initiatives not only align with evidence-backed strategies researched by the Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) but also strive to advance the Sustainable Development Goals and the second decade of action for road safety, which aims to halve the number of fatalities and serious injuries from traffic accidents by 2030.
Moving forward, MobiliseYourCity remains committed to promoting sustainable mobility across its member cities, actively striving to improve road safety conditions and contribute to the creation of a safer, more sustainable urban environment.