Public consultation on the EU New Urban Mobility Framework: the European Commission requests feedback and contribution to help sharpen its strategy and proposal

In line with the priorities of the European Green Deal and the Sustainable and Smart Transport Strategy, urban mobility should become drastically less polluting and undergo twin green and digital transitions, to build a resilient and sustainable transport system for generations to come. The European Commission’s new urban mobility initiative, currently under preparation, will operationalise these goals by proposing actions needed to address common urban mobility challenges like pollution, congestion, accessibility and urban road safety, thus improving people’s quality of life.
A public consultation is open until 23 September, and we encourage all our partners and contacts to contribute.
The aim of the consultations is to seek information and feedback from the most relevant stakeholders and from the wider public in relation to the main directions of the planned EU Urban Mobility framework. More specifically, the consultation should provide feedback as to how the EU urban areas can:
- contribute to reducing transport greenhouse emissions and to other objectives of the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, including its milestone to have 100 European cities carbon neutral by 2030;
- improve the quality of life of the urban population by addressing urban mobility challenges such as air pollution, congestion, noise, accessibility, road safety while promoting physical activity;
- increase the support to, and use of, the most sustainable transport modes (in particular public transport and active mobility) as well as zero-emission urban logistics.
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