The SUMP for the city of Arequipa has been adopted

Written by Fundación Despacio
Arequipa's Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) was defined as the roadmap for promoting sustainable mobility in the Municipality of Arequipa . The document provides guidelines to promote and adapt mobility challenges to the city's reality and needs and defines a desired future scenario to achieve this objective. The development of the Plan was led by the consulting team of the EGIS-Rupprecht Consult consortium, under the guidelines of the Municipal Planning Institute of Arequipa (IMPLA) and the Provincial Municipality of Arequipa, and the implementation of the French Development Agency (AFD).
Among the objectives, the Plan seeks to promote sustainable forms of travel, through the promotion of greater participation of pedestrian and bicycle mobility, thanks to the establishment of goals such as the improvement of pedestrian infrastructure, the increase in the amount of cycling infrastructure, and bicycle parking. In addition, the Plan seeks to guarantee universal accessibility to public transportation and to promote the use of new technologies that reduce travel times and road accidents.
However, addressing urban mobility in Arequipa from a sustainable approach in the context of limited resources, high turnover of public officials, and constant political changes that affect management at different levels of government is a challenge. Local institutional weakness is an aspect that can impact the process of implementation, planning, and adoption of SUMP measures. The success of the implementation of the Plan will depend on the management of these aspects of the local political context.
To access the full Plan click here.