Webinar on “Comprehensive Mobility Plans”

Webinar on “Comprehensive Mobility Plans”
- Others
Tools & Methodologies
Aguilar Réka
Website Manager
The fourth paper presents 11 case studies of cities that have already reformed or are reforming their transport provision on a small scale. These cases highlight potential problems and best practices for solving them.
The toolkit has been developed in collaboration with our African Community of Practice and our partners Agence Française de Développement and CODATU.
Download the document below.
If you are interested in this topic, access the other documents:
Toolkit I | Understanding Paratransit
Toolkit II | Conducting a paratransit diagnosis
Toolkit IIl | Reforming paratransit
This knowledge product has been supported by the European Union under an intra-ACP grant ‘Urban Mobility Support Programme’, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and the French Development Agency.