Factsheet Ahmedabad

This factsheet from the Global Monitor 2024 presents the support of the MobiliseYourCity Partnership to the SUMP in the Ahmedabad, India
Tools & Methodologies
Aguilar Réka
Website Manager
This topic guide aims to support practitioners (local authorities, mobility experts, consultants, and international development officials) in deciding the best solution to implement transport modelling when preparing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP).
Desk review and the experience of some MobiliseYourCity city members constitute the basis of the content presented. This topic guide provides insights into transport modelling and its pertinence and suggests a step-by-step guide to integrate this analysis tool when preparing a SUMP. It aims to propose a methodology of reflection and a set of questions to ask oneself to build a coherent, realistic, and locally-based transport model if needed.
Download the document below.