Cities Safer by Design
Cities Safer by Design is a global reference guide to help cities save lives from traffic fatalities through improved street design and smart urban…
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Reports & Case Studies
CHEVRE Antoine
Transport Team Leader
Transport in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by GIZ
This synthesis report shows lessons learnt from case studies of rapidly motorising countries. More than 160 countries submitted their intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) to reduce GHG emissions and increase resilience. Transport has been recognized as a sector of key relevance for climate change in the NDCs. Due to the limited level of information provided in the official NDC documents, a more in-depth analysis at the country level is needed to be able to assess the role of transport in the NDC development and implementation process. To gain such insight for the transport sector in rapidly-motorising countries, seven case studies were carried out in the following countries: Bangladesh, Colombia, Georgia, Kenya, Nigeria, Peru and Vietnam.