Mastering Mobility Training - SUMP Deep-Dive on Data Needs and Uses
Without data, we are relying on assumptions and limited perspectives, we need a well informed baseline analysis in order to take adequate decisions…
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Training Materials & Recordings
Tanzarella Elena
Junior Communication Officer
Webinar on “Transit Oriented Development”
Growth of urban settlements has not only changed the form of the cities but also has influenced its travel demands and patterns. Urban sprawl, a growing demand for personal vehicles, increased travel distances and travel times are the challenges of each city in the world. In order to fulfill the need of the cities, it is vital to provide for efficient transportation including high quality transit systems, which can cater to the changing dynamics of the city. However, factors like low- density developments deter the authorities from fully utilizing the potential of these transit corridors. The need of the hour is that Indian cities start focusing on utilizing the full potential of these corridors taking measures like TOD.
To address those issues, MobiliseYourCity India, UMTC and WRI India have brought together Mr Vincent Lichere, Ms Jaya Dhindaw and Prof. Shivanand Swamy to discuss the topic of “Transit Oriented Development”.
You will find below their presentation.