MobiliseYourCity 12 Messages for our Beneficiary Partners

Key Messages toward Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
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Training Materials & Recordings
François-Jacobs Éléonore
Partnerships and Outreach Manager
This webinar offers an introduction to climate finance in relation to urban transportation.
Over the years, we have witnessed rapid urbanization rates globally and based on various estimates by 2050, approximately 66% of the population will be living in urban areas. Due to high population, increasing urbanization, lack of infrastructure - Asia and African continents shall become the leading battlegrounds for managing climate change. These regions shall also become the knowledge sharing hubs on aspects like climate policies, mitigation strategies and technologies as well as the most important - Climate Finance. There is a wide variety of sources from which urban climate mitigation and adaptation actions may be financed, including city revenues, funds through bilateral /multilateral agencies, donor agencies, private sector investments, etc. This session focuses on how could the Urban Local Bodies and Transport Agencies reach out to bi-lateral / multi-lateral funding agencies for support in the fight against climate change.
1. Ms. Clemence Vidal De La Blache (Deputy Director – AFD, India);
Topic: Introduction to MYC Programme
2. Dr. Subash Dhar (Senior Researcher (UNEP-DTU) & Senior Fellow (Global Center for Environment & Energy))
Topic: The need for Climate Finance for Urban Resilience
3. Mr. Sasank Vemuri (Coordinator – MYC Partnership)
Topic: The Climate Finance Landscape for Urban Transport
4. Mr. Robert Valkovic (Principal Transportation Specialist - ADB)
Topic: Accessing Multi-Lateral development climate finance in Urban Transport
5. Mr. Frederic Audras (Head of Urban Development Planning &Housing Department – AFD)
Topic: Accessing Bi-Lateral Development Financing
Moderator Mr. Sasank Vemuri (Coordinator – MYC Partnership)
View the recording of the webinar here.
Download the presentations below.