Agenda Africa Community of Practice online discussion - May 2020

Les membres de la Communauté de Pratique Afrique de MobiliseYourCity souhaitent échanger sur la situation respective dans leur ville, les mesures…
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Tools & Methodologies
MobiliseYourCity Partnership
While progress in adaptation planning and implementation has been made, significant gaps remain between current adaptation efforts and the levels needed to effectively respond to climate impacts and reduce risks (IPCC, 2022). Most observed adaptations are fragmented, small-scale, incremental, and sector-specific, primarily addressing current impacts or near-term risks. Additionally, there is a greater focus on planning rather than actual implementation. ADEME, CODATU, MobiliseYourCity, and RESALLIENCE propose nine principles for effective adaptation actions, focusing on the connection between urban mobility and the built environment. These principles are expected to be implemented within urban transport planning processes and projects, facilitating adaptation strategies across sectors (such as transport and housing) and at different levels (including buildings, neighbourhoods, cities, and countries). This policy report presents an overview of the principles in Chapter 2 and a detailed description in Chapter 3. Case studies illustrating their application are discussed in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 provides indications of the way forward.
The formulation of these principles stems from an analysis of adaptation in urban mobility and the built environment sectors. This analysis was enriched by a collaborative process, including workshops with experts and implementation partners to assess the principles' relevance and feasibility. Contributions came from experts at ADB, ADEME, AFD, CODATU, Despacio, Global ABC’s adaptation hub, GIZ, KFW, MobiliseYourCity, the Ocean & Climate Platform, RESALLIENCE, Transport for Cairo, and UN-Habitat.