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Eltis - The Urban Mobility Observatory

CHEVRE Antoine

Transport Team Leader


The Urban Mobility Observatory - https://www.eltis.org/ Eltis facilitates the exchange of information, knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable urban mobility in Europe.


What is Eltis?

Eltis facilitates the exchange of information, knowledge and experiences in the field of sustainable urban mobility in Europe. It is aimed at individuals working in transport as well as in related disciplines, including urban and regional development, health, energy and environmental sciences. Created more than 10 years ago, Eltis is now Europe's main observatory on urban mobility. It is financed by the European Commission's Directorate General for Mobility and Transport.

Under three key themes – IN BRIEF, RESOURCES, PARTICIPATE – Eltis provides the information, good practices, tools and communication channels needed to help you turn your cities into models of sustainable urban mobility.

The dedicated MOBILITY PLANS section offers a hub of information on how to develop and implement Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) as the need for more sustainable and integrated planning processes in Europe grows. For more information about this section, visit the About the Platform page.


What will you find on Eltis?

Eltis IN BRIEF enables you to discover sustainable urban mobility.

  • News offers a regular round-up of local, regional and European news related to sustainable urban mobility
  • Facts & figures provides a range of statistical data on sustainable urban mobility topics
  • Topics outlines the key sustainable urban mobility related subjects covered on Eltis
  • EU funding brings together the current EU funding streams and programmes that are accessible for local governments
  • EU legislation & policies contains important legislation and policy developments on sustainable urban mobility
  • Eltis Mobility Update contains the latest monthly newsletter as well as access to previous issues

Eltis RESOURCES support you to act and promote sustainable forms of mobility in your region or city.   

  • Tools contains tools, guides, handbooks and reports to support and inform urban mobility professionals in their work
  • Photos hosts a gallery of images you can use to promote urban mobility
  • Videos features outstanding examples of sustainable urban mobility approaches
  • Training materials presents training and educational materials produced in the sustainable urban mobility fields
  • Case studies presents and analyses successful local examples of sustainable urban mobility initiatives and strategies
  • Press & promo contains Eltis and Mobility Plans platform promotional materials (such as logos, templates) as well as materials from events and seminars

Eltis allows you to PARTICIPATE, share examples of best practice and discuss new and innovative ideas on sustainable urban mobility.   

  • As a registered Friend of Eltis you can submit content and comment on your colleagues’ ideas and initiatives. Read more about the benefits of becoming a member
  • Events presents a calendar of important conferences, meetings, workshops and networking sessions

We hope that you find the Eltis site engaging and informative. If you have a question, or would like to make a suggestion or comment, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The Eltis Team

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