NUMP Cameroon
NUMP Cameroon - version adopted in September 2019
Reports & Case Studies
MobiliseYourCity Partnership
The MobiliseYourCity guidelines for the formulation of a SUMP set out objectives such as the following:
(a) Ensure that all citizens are offered transport options that enable them to access key destinations and services; (b) Improve safety and security; (c) Reduce environmental and noise pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption; (d) Improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of transport of people and goods; (e) Contribute to the promotion of the beauty and quality of urban environments and urban design for the benefit of citizens, the economy and society at large. Thus, the SUMP Arequipa becomes the roadmap of the MPA in terms of sustainable mobility for the next 20 years; from grounding the concept of sustainable mobility to the reality and needs of its territory, setting a desired future scenario and establishing the necessary programmes and projects to move towards its materialisation.