Nuestras herramientas y metodologías
MobiliseYourCity apoya la planificación estratégica y participativa y la preparación de proyectos como instrumentos clave para que los países y las ciudades construyan sistemas de movilidad urbana sostenibles y, con ello, ciudades verdes. Proporcionamos a los responsables de la toma de decisiones y a los profesionales de la movilidad una metodología exhaustiva que pone de relieve tanto los beneficios como los propósitos de la planificación de la movilidad sostenible y, lo que es más importante, que les guía a través de un proceso de planificación muy práctico y probado, listo para ser utilizado en cualquier contexto.
Metodológicamente, MobiliseYourCity destaca temas clave que son cruciales en la transición hacia una movilidad urbana baja en carbono, sostenible y resiliente. Hemos condensado los conocimientos sobre estos temas en guías, herramientas, materiales de formación y estudios de casos.
Toolkit Planes de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible (PMUS)
MobiliseYourCity ha sido una fuerza líder en la difusión de los PMUS en todo el mundo desde su creación en 2016. Mediante la movilización de la experiencia técnica y la fortaleza financiera de sus donantes y socios ejecutores, la Alianza está trabajando con los gobiernos locales para desarrollar PMUS, aportando mejoras tangibles y cerrando la brecha financiera necesaria para hacer realidad la movilidad urbana sostenible.
Para apoyar a nuestros miembros en el desarrollo de un PMUS, MobiliseYourCity ha preparado recursos que incluyen guías, metodologías, herramientas y materiales de formación en ese respecto.
Descubra más sobre nuestros recursos para la preparación de PMUS
Desarrollando Planes de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible - Guía para geografías de MobiliseYourCity
Desde su creación en 2016, la Alianza MobiliseYourCity ha desempeñado un papel destacado en la difusión de los Planes de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible (PMUS) en ...
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Topic guide - Participatory processes in urban mobility planning
Co-construction is the driving force behind the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). Indeed, urban mobility planning does not solely rely on resolving technical issues. Still, ...
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Core Indicators and Monitoring Framework
This document sets out the core indicators framework and monitoring principles for the MobiliseYourCity Partnership. Concretely, this document describes six (6) core indicators that are ...
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Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans FAQs
MobiliseYourCity created an FAQ document that addresses the most important questions around our core methodology - the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). The FAQs are useful for local ...
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MobiliseYourCity SUMP Model Terms of Reference
This document constitutes the official model of Terms of Reference for the development of a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in the geographies of the ...
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Annotated Table of Contents for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)
Annotated Outline for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP) - SUMP development guidance resources for developing and transition countries Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP) is a ...
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Training Materials | Introducing Sustainable Mobility Plans (SUMPs)
The ambitious goal and relevance principles of SUMP have made this approach a potential strategic plan for various stakeholders. This training set aims at giving ...
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Training Materials | Introduction to gender and its relevance for urban mobility planning
This training set structurally approaches the correlation between gender and mobility planning. In particular, the definition, relevant concepts, and fundamental approach to gender are presented, ...
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Training Materials | Understanding air quality and its role in urban mobility
This training set aims to raise awareness of the interlinkages between urban mobility and air quality by explaining the latter and why it matters. It ...
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Toolkit Programas de Inversión y Políticas Nacionales de Movilidad Urbana (PNMU)
Haciendo uso de la amplia experiencia internacional de los múltiples socios reunidos bajo el paraguas de la Alianza MobiliseYourCity, se identificaron una serie de elementos básicos y útiles para un proceso de preparación de PNMU y se reunieron en un proceso de desarrollo de PNMU "estereotipado".
Descubra más sobre nuestros recursos para la preparación de PNMU
National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programmes (NUMP) - Guidelines
A hands-on and state-of-the-art approach to guide national governments in the development of strategic, action-oriented frameworks for sustainable urban mobility. The MobiliseYourCity Partnership Guidelines for ...
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Topic guide - Participatory processes in urban mobility planning
Topic guide - Participatory processes in urban mobility planning Co-construction is the driving force behind the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). Indeed, urban mobility planning ...
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NUMP Model Terms of Reference
MobiliseYourCity Model Terms of Reference for developing National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programmes. MobiliseYourCity Model Terms of Reference for the development of NUMPs includes ...
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Training Materials | Introduction to gender and its relevance for urban mobility planning
This training set structurally approaches the correlation between gender and mobility planning. In particular, the definition, relevant concepts, and fundamental approach to gender are presented, ...
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Training Materials | Understanding air quality and its role in urban mobility
This training set aims to raise awareness of the interlinkages between urban mobility and air quality by explaining the latter and why it matters. It ...
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Training Materials|Introduction to walkable and cyclable cities
This training set builds a case for how active transport is healthy, free of emissions and pollution, and a great asset for future sustainable urban ...
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Training Materials|Data types and data collection methods for an urban mobility diagnosis
Understanding urban mobility is the first thing cities need to do when planning for urban mobility. This training set presents the data required to conduct ...
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Training Materials| Conducting a financial assessment of your city
This training set supports learning on how to do a financial assessment as a key component of an urban mobility diagnosis. More is needed to ...
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Training Materials|Conducting a diagnosis of active mobility
This training set explores several diagnosis tools applicable in cities worldwide to help understand current requirements for walking and cycling and how this information can ...
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Toolkit MRV y Calculadora de Emisiones
Con el objetivo de ayudar a los países y ciudades miembros de MobiliseYourCity a calcular las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del transporte urbano, existe una herramienta para calcular las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero del transporte por carretera y ferrocarril.
Junto con guías, manuales, materiales de formación y documentos de muestra, estos recursos pretenden facilitar la elaboración de inventarios de GEI, escenarios de referencia (BAU por sus siglas en inglés) y escenarios climáticos al desarrollar un PMUS o una PNMU.
La Calculadora de Emisiones de MobiliseYourCity, basada en Excel, se ha posicionado como el recurso insignia de la Alianza, utilizado en más de 50 ciudades y países de todo el mundo.
Descubra más sobre la Calculadora de Emisiones de MobiliseYourCity
MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator
The MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator supports cities and countries project the GHG Impact of their SUMPs and NUMPs. The output of the calculator are BAU and ...
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User Manual for the MobiliseYourCity Emissions Calculator
This user manual gives an overview of the background, methodology and design of the MobiliseYourCity Emisisons Calculator. It helps users navigating through the different functionalities ...
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MobiliseYourCity Monitoring and Reporting Approach for GHG Emissions
This paper sets out the greenhouse gas monitoring and reporting principles for the MobiliseYourCity Partnership for our member to cities track the development of transport ...
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Toolkit Paratránsito
MobiliseYourCity ha desarrollado un kit de herramientas del paratránsito para dotar a los profesionales de la movilidad urbana con ideas y herramientas prácticas para comprender el paratránsito, realizar un diagnóstico en profundidad y reformar el sector con un catálogo de 50 medidas prácticas. El kit de herramientas también incluye materiales de formación y estudios de casos de reformas del paratránsito en diferentes contextos.
Descubra más sobre el kit de herramientas sobre el paratránsito de MobiliseYourCity
MobiliseYourCity | Paratransit Toolkit
The first mobility plans completed by MobiliseYourCity member cities in Africa demonstrate how relevant paratransit is to ensure a net-zero future in transport and a ...
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Paratransit in Asia: Scalable Solutions to Reform, Modernise and Integrate
A regional contribution to paratransit modernisation The MobiliseYourCity Partnership recognises paratransit services as an important feature of mobility systems in developing and emerging cities, complementary ...
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Training Materials|Mapping paratransit services
This training set focuses on digital mapping as a project and how it can be designed and planned. This would entail the most common challenges ...
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Training Materials|Contracting options for paratransit reform
This training set focuses on introducing contracts between public authorities and paratransit operators to develop a robust and adequate regulatory framework to address significant challenges ...
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