Join the team- MobiliseYourCity is looking for a Sustainable Mobility Expert



MobiliseYourCity is looking for a Sustainable Mobility Expert based in Brussels, Belgium

Who we are

Transport is responsible for about a quarter of energy related CO2 emissions worldwide and plays a central role in the reduction of air-pollution to reach the targets of the Paris agreement of 2015.

The MobiliseYourCity Partnership is a leading global Partnership for systemic and transformative urban mobility planning, facilitating investments and linking local action with the global sustainability agenda (Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement).

The MobiliseYourCity Partnership is supported by the European Commission, the French development agency (Agence française de développement - AFD), the French Ministry for the Ecological Transition (Ministère de la Transition écologique – MTE), the French Facility for Global Environment (FFEM), and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Nuclear Safety (BMU), which are working in collaboration to enable positive global transformation.

Since 2015, the Partnership has gathered a network of 60 partner cities and 13 partner countries, supported by 10 implementing and knowledge partners led by AFD and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

The partnership mainly supports its city and country partners by assisting in the preparation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programmes (NUMPs), building capacities and engaging regional Communities of Practice through trainings, platforms and events, and amplifying the cities’ initiatives outreach.


As the Sustainable Mobility Expert at the MobiliseYourCity secretariat in Brussels you will technically backstop of the implementation processes of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programmes (NUMPs).


The secretariat, headed by the Coordinator MobiliseYourCity, consists of an international team of 7 people of which 4 are AFD and 3 are BMU financed. Together with the technical advisor on capacity building, you will develop training concepts and deliver capacity building inputs as well as the coordination and moderation of the training events. Your position as mobility expert will also include the review and content analysis of completed planning material from our member cities in order to capitalise on best practice examples and learned lessons.


Your tasks:

  • Provide technical backstopping to MobiliseYourCity secretariat in the preparation of documentation or events as well as in the update of MobiliseYourCity website. Represent MobiliseYourCity secretariat in events related to MobiliseYourCity partnership or global events on urban mobility.
  • Provide technical backstopping of ongoing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and National Urban Mobility Policies and Investment Programs of MobiliseYourCity member cities and countries
  • Coordinate the expansion and improvement of MobiliseYourCity’s methodological framework regarding SUMPs and NUMPs as well as ensure its correct implementation, promotion and evaluate its use.
  • Capitalize on lessons learned from city-level activities (analyse and share experiences from completed Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)) and best practices from member cities and countries to formulate learned lessons from completed projects and complement MobiliseYourCity tools, trainings and other material.
  • Link and capitalize with MobiliseYourCity implementing partners and knowledge and network partners (such as GiZ, Euroclima+, AFD, CEREMA, CODATU, ADEME…) as well as other leading initiatives on urban mobility (such as CIVITAS, TUMI, etc.) to collaborate with them and integrate possible contribution to MobiliseYourCity methodological framework.
  • Coordinate and animate training inputs related to technical urban transport topics, such as transport modelling, data collection, scenario development, measure selection, project costing, etc during MobiliseYourCity organized capacity building events
  • Together with the capacity development specialist in the secretariat, develop and deliver interactive workshops with local stakeholders (co-creation sessions) to discuss pressing local challenges and help implementing partners identify needs for new capacity building, methodological guidance, or policy proposals for sustainable mobility reforms


Your profile:

  • You have a Master’s degree in one of the following disciplines: Transport or Civil Engineering, Urban Design/Urban Planning with specialisation on transport
  • You are proficient in English, knowledge of French and/or Spanish would be advantageous
  • You have relevant work experience in the field in the urban mobility sector and have ideally worked in international teams on policy and/or sustainability related issues before
  • You are passionate about all topics around sustainable transport and well informed on urban transport related challenges in the MobiliseYourCity regions of Asia, Latin America or Africa
  • You are a creative and independent worker that can be a proactive part of a team that spreads over different locations and was used to remote working long before the pandemic



Location: Brussels (due to the current restrictions currently home office)

Duration: one year with the possibility of extension

Qualification: Minimum 2 years’ experience and graduated in Transport Engineering/Urban Planning with a specialisation on transport

Application: Please send your application via email to including Cover Letter and CV

Deadline for application: 04 February 2021

Renumeration: 31,000K (junior/associate level) -55,000K (senior/manager level) gross annual depending on years of experience

Start date: ASAP


Please note that to apply for this position, you need a valid work permit to work in Belgium. The contract runs for one year with the possibility of extension.

People with disabilities are encouraged to apply

This position is hired via CODATU with a EU budget through AFD
