Factsheet Chile

Esta ficha informativa del Global Monitor 2024 presenta el apoyo de la Alianza MobiliseYourCity al PNMU de Chile.
Reports & Case Studies
Musil Clément
Programme Manager - MobiliseYourCity Asia
The Philippine Urban Mobility Programme – Towards people-first cities empowered by efficient, dignified, and sustainable mobility
Finalised in 2019, the National Urban Mobility Programme (NUMP) for the Philippines, or the Philippine Urban Mobility Programme (PUMP) sets out the framework for the Government of the Philippines to support Highly Urbanised Cities (HUCs) and urban Local Government Units (LGUs) to improve urban mobility within their areas. The report provides an inventory of urban mobility systems in the Philippines and identifies the barriers to sustainable urban mobility. It provides also the vision and objectives of the PUMP.
Access the NUMP for the Philippines here.