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MobiliseYourCity Partnership
Cities are engines of growth, job-creation, and innovations. Cities are economic powerhouses and innovation hubs with large markets that can attract investments, knowledge, skilled personnel and lead to innovations thereby generating economic opportunities.
Globally, lack of consideration for diverse population needs in urban planning and design has constrained women’s access to socioeconomic opportunities. Historically, cities across the world have been designed to fit the needs of able-bodied men rather than that of women, girls, sexual and gender minorities, and people with disabilities (PWDs). Indian cities need gender-responsive urban mobility and public spaces so that benefits of city-led economic growth can be more equitably distributed. This toolkit is intended to bridge the knowledge gaps between policy making and program implementation for gender-responsive urban mobility and public space in India. While central and state governments are committed to the goals of gender equality and women’s empowerment, they often need more practical tools and knowledge of how to translate their intentions into actions and to formulate programs to meet such policy objectives. This toolkit is intended to be a practice guide towards introducing gender equality and women’s empowerment principles in designing urban mobility systems and public spaces so that they mitigate rather than reinforce gender inequalities. The toolkit is divided into two volumes, with the first volume focused on high level guidance for policymakers, while the second provides a ‘How-to’ guide including practical tools for implementing agencies.
“World Bank. 2022. India - Toolkit for Enabling Gender Responsive Urban Mobility and Public Spaces. © Washington, DC. License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.”