Estacionamiento y políticas de gestión de demanda
Estacionamiento y políticas de reducción de tráfico en América Latina: estudio en 12 ciudades es el del estudio que Despacio junto con el ITDP,…
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Training Materials & Recordings
MobiliseYourCity Partnership
Webinar on "Driving Change: The Vital Role of Paratransit in Sustainable Urban Mobility"
Paratransit plays a pivotal role in many cities across the Global South, often serving as the primary public transport option. By leveraging the right actions, decision-makers and practitioners can implement paratransit reforms agreeable to all stakeholders and build a sustainable and inclusive mobility system.
This was the first of a three-part webinar series focusing on the critical need to reform paratransit as part of the just transition towards more sustainable mobility systems. In the first session we focused on understanding paratransit and its theoretical foundations.
The session's recording has been uploaded on our YouTube channel.
Here are the links to the three presentations given by our speakers:
Sasank Vemuri (GIZ): Understanding Paratransit from a Just Transition Lens
Anne Chaussevoine (AFD): AFD support to Paratransit Reform
Simon Saddier (SSATP): Types of Paratransit reforms
You will also find below the slides of the session.