Training Materials & Recordings

  • Paratransit

Webinar « Driving Change : À la découverte de la boîte à outils MobiliseYourCity sur le transport artisanal ».

MobiliseYourCity Partnership


Webinar on "Driving Change: Hands on the MobiliseYourCity Paratransit Toolkit"

Paratransit plays a pivotal role in many cities across the Global South, often serving as the primary public transport option. By leveraging the right actions, decision-makers and practitioners can implement paratransit reforms agreeable to all stakeholders and build a sustainable and inclusive mobility system. 

This three-part webinar series focused on the critical need to reform paratransit as part of the just transition towards more sustainable mobility systems.

In the final session of our three-part webinar series on paratransit we conducted a hands-on workshop focusing on the practical application of the Paratransit Toolkit. Participants engaged with a simulated case study scenario designed to demonstrate how to effectively utilise the toolkit in real-world settings.


The session's recording has been uploaded to our YouTube channel.


You will also find below the slides of the session.

title slide
title slide

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