
  • SUMP
  • NUMP
  • Bus & other Rolling Stock
  • Mass Public Transport
  • Bus & other Rolling Stock
  • Bus & other Rolling Stock
  • Micromobility
  • Micromobility
  • Micromobility
  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Micromobility
  • Electric Mobility
  • Others
  • Others
  • Others
  • Others
  • Others
  • Road Safety

Projet Transports urbains Durables - GIZ

CHEVRE Antoine

Transport Team Leader


Sustainable Urban Transport Project by GIZ


SUTP’s main objective is to assist developing world cities achieve their sustainable transport goals, through the dissemination of information about international experience, policy advice, training and capacity building and targeted work on sustainable transport projects within cities. The project started on 24 March 2003. It is hosted by Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Its offices are located in Eschborn, Germany and Delhi, India.
The main activities of the project include:

  • Resources: Developing and disseminating resources on all aspects of sustainable urban mobility, which includes the SUTP Sourcebook series, Case Studies and Technical Documents as well as photo and video galleries on urban mobility
  • Capacity building: Designing and conducting training courses for organizations in developing cities, and providing an online guide to available training courses of partner organizations
  • Policy advice and international exchange: Together with partners, GIZ-SUTP provides policy advice on sustainable urban transport and supports the international exchange on best practice and innovative solutions for urban mobility (e.g. by participating in conferences, workshops and other forms of international dialogue)

The guiding principles of SUTP are “Avoid, Shift, Improve” (A-S-I): Avoid the need to travel e.g. through smart land use planning, Shift to more sustainable modes of transport such as transit or cycling, and Improve the efficiency of vehicles and the transport system in general. The SUTP webpage is available in three langugages (English, Spanish, Chinese), while many documents prepared have been translated in as much as seven languages.


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