Paratransit: Compilation of Resources

In light of the growing need to decarbonise paratransit systems, we have compiled a list of knowledge products that can support local and national…
- Paratransit
Reports & Case Studies
CHEVRE Antoine
Transport Team Leader
Study on the socio-economic rationale for subsidising urban transport SETEC NODALIS for l'AFD
The French Development Agency (AFD) commissioned a study on the socio-economic rationales given for subsidising urban transport. This study has two objectives:
× to detail the theoretical foundations of these subsidies, show their actual implementation in sample cities, and analyse their consequences from the perspective of the various economic agents (project owners, operators, users, etc.).
× to formulate recommendations that will enable AFD to strengthen its dialogue with borrowers. To be truly usable, these recommendations must be pragmatic and take into account the diversity of institutional and organisational contexts. They form an operational framework of best practices to support dialogue and decision-making.