Studies of Informal Passenger Transport Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa | Dakar

“The minibus renewal and professionalization process: a combined approach to modernize paratransit services in Dakar, Senegal,” is one of eight case…
- Paratransit
“The minibus renewal and professionalization process: a combined approach to modernize paratransit services in Dakar, Senegal,” is one of eight case…
Studies of Informal Passenger Transport Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa | Dakar
Dakar joined the MobiliseYourCity Partnership in May 2017. The objective of the Executive Council of Urban Transport of Dakar (CETUD) was to provide the Dakar region with ...
See moreMobiliseYourCity a élaboré un catalogue de plus de 50 mesures que les professionnels de la mobilité et les décideurs peuvent utiliser pour mettre en…
Réformer le transport artisanal avec le tout nouveau catalogue de mesures de MobiliseYourCity
MobiliseYourCity has developed a catalogue of more than 50 measures that mobility practitioners and decision-makers can use to design the right…
Reforming paratransit with MobiliseYourCity’s newest catalogue of measures
L'analyse de Transitec de la mobilité urbaine durable d'une perspective du genre
Mobility of women in African cities: How to explain inequalities of access?
This factsheet from the Global Monitor 2024 presents the support of the MobiliseYourCity Partnership to the SUMP in Dakar, Senegal.
Factsheet Dakar