Paratransit: Compilation of Resources

In light of the growing need to decarbonise paratransit systems, we have compiled a list of knowledge products that can support local and national…
- Paratransit
MobiliseYourCity Partnership
UN 2nd Sustainable Transport Conference | Outcomes of the MobiliseYourCity Side Event
On 15 October MobiliseYourCity together with the Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD), Codatu, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) hosted an online Side Event on informal transport to the UN 2nd Sustainable Transport Conference.
The objective of the session was to raise awareness about this highly complex but extremely important problematic and shed light onto its major contribution to sustainable development from an economic, social and environmental perspective.
Download the document below to discover the key messages and recommendations formulated by our speakers Dario Hidalgo from Fundación Visión Cero 3, Benjamin de la Peña from the Global Partnership for Informal Transportation and Anne Patricia Mariano from GIZ!
This document summarizes the key messages and recommendations from the MobiliseYourCity Side Event to the UN Sustainable Transport Conference 'Integrating Informal Transport for a Just Transition to Sustainable Mobility in the Global South'. These outcomes reflect the diverse and sometimes even conflicting views on the topic and does not seek to build a consensus.