Safe Micromobility
Report by the Corporate Partnership Board of the International Transport Forum
- Micromobility
- Micromobility
- Micromobility
- Walking
Reports & Case Studies
MobiliseYourCity Partnership
This discussion paper is part of the The TDI Series, a partnership between the World Bank, the Government of the Netherlands, and the World Resources Institute (WRI) with the goal of sharing recommendations for overcoming investment barriers to decarbonizing transport and spurring joint action by governments, companies, civil society, and international development and financial institutions. This paper provides an overview of the benefits and opportunities of active mobility for accessibility and climate, and connects these elements to broader health and equity issues.
National governments usually do not commit funds to walking and cycling promotion, and is therefore often overlooked in infrastructure financing. Instead, multilateral or international finance programs often favor large infrastructure projects, without adequate consideration to invest in active mobility. This paper reflects effective active mobility infrastructure options, and explores ways that finance and investment in active mobility can be and has been achieved to increase or sustain significant rates of walking and cycling globally, particularly in developing countries. Financing active mobility is accessed along four angles: (i) local finance and policies that encourage investment in cycling and walking; (ii) national level finance initiatives; (iii) international and multilateral finance; and (iv) private sector funding sources that may support bicycle use and walking.
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