From Brazil to Cuba and Peru, cities are changing the face of mobility in Latin America

Cities in Latin America are tackling climate change by choosing sustainable solutions to meet their citizens’ needs. This is why we are proud to welcome three new joiners into the MobiliseYourCity Partnership: the second most populated city of Peru Arequipa, the metropolitan area of Baixada Santista in Brazil and the Cuban capital La Havana. With the help of the MobiliseYourCity Partnership, they aim at adopting sustainable city models. By improving the quality of the urban environment, this will give their inhabitants a better accessibility to soft mobility modes.
Baixada Santista in Brazil takes the road towards sustainable transport
AFD will support the nine municipalities of Baixada Santista’s Metropolitan Region in preparing a plan which guides actions and investments to reduce the use of private cars by improving reliable, efficient, safe, and accessible public transport. The Regional Mobility and Logistics Plan will also pivot on improving mobility related institutions and reducing inequalities based on gender or income.
Paving the way for a greener La Havana
The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in La Havana will focus on generating a cohesive strategic vision for urban mobility. A prediction model of current and future mobility scenarios, including short, medium, and long-term strategies and a technical document on mitigation and emissions reduction of SUMP implementation are expected to be produced. The plan aims at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, ensuring energy savings and greater sustainability while offering citizens better alternatives for their movements within the city. Measures include the support of a SUMP process and implementation of a pilot project for the city, managed by the General Directorate of Provincial Transport of La Havana (DGTPH). The plan will be funded by the European Commission through a 700 K€ grant.
From road safety to social equity, Arequipa faces multiple challenges through transport development
In Arequipa, the project will focus on reducing travel times and needs, accidents and on articulating the Integrated Transportation System. Measures include improving urban social equity, ensuring universal accessibility while promoting alternative use of the road system and developing institutional capacities of the different actors involved in the transport sector. The city aims at hitting general sustainable targets, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the consumption of non-renewable energy.
The policy dialogue has been initiated with the French Development Agency (AFD) in all 3 cities and the process of SUMP preparation and potential related studies are expected to be conducted in close collaboration with the AFD, supported through the EUROCLIMA+ Programme.