
  • SUMP
  • NUMP
  • Paratransit
  • Bus & other Rolling Stock
  • Mass Public Transport
  • Bus & other Rolling Stock
  • Bus & other Rolling Stock
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  • Micromobility
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  • Others
  • Others
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  • Others
  • Air Quality

Urban Mobility Portal

Aguilar Réka

Website Manager


The Urban Mobility Portal is a global source of information for city leaders, practitioners, stakeholders and citizens.

The Urban Mobility Portal is a global source of information for city leaders, practitioners, stakeholders and citizens. It is managed by the Urban Mobility Collaborative, a global group of experienced urban mobility professionals. It currently contains over 600 links to urban mobility case studies, examples, guidelines, videos and websites grouped by subject in the 49 pages of the Portal. It also contains a Glossary of over 200 definitions of frequently used terms and the Urban Mobility Portal Global Database of Urban Mobility Plans with links to 853 plans that are available online. Contributions welcome on urban mobility information and experience. They will be published on the Portal.

This is the URL link to the Urban Mobility Portal: https://www.urbanmobilityportal.com/

Urban Mobility Portal Home Page
Urban Mobility Portal Home Page

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