European Union - SUMP Guidelines

The EU guidelines for Sustainable Urban Mobility
CHEVRE Antoine
Transport Team Leader
The PPMC is an open and inclusive platform that actively invites all organizations and initiatives that support effective action on transport and climate change to join in the process. The PPMC was created in early 2015 to strengthen the voice of the sustainable transport community in the UNFCCC process, especially with a view to the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21) in December 2015 in Paris and the Paris Agreement. During COP21 the PPMC was able to showcase the vitality and strength of the sustainable transport community in terms of action on transport and climate Change. By bringing together different actors and stakeholders in the sustainable transport community, PPMC made it possible for the transport sector to have its voice heard and speak with one voice on the important contribution that sustainable mobility can make to the mitigation of, and adaptation to climate change.
Building on its first success during COP21 and the adoption of the Paris Agreement, PPMC decided to widen its initial scope of action, moving from ambition advocacy to implementation advocacy, by crafting the Global Macro Roadmap (GMR) as an actionable vision for decarbonised, resilient mobility by 2050+. This approach was highlighted at COP22 as a UNFCCC-endorsed “discussion document” in the context of the Global Climate Action Agenda (later the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action), with the active support of the two High-Level Climate Champions.
The PPMC has been gaining credibility as transport coalition since then, moving from ambition advocacy to implementation advocacy:
The PPMC convenes the global sustainable transport community to contribute optimally to the implementation of:
“From ambition advocacy to implementation advocacy” – The PPMC is moving towards strengthening the implementation of sustainable transport and measures for transport and climate change..
The PPMC is a non-state actors coalition bringing together 2 complementary ecosystems to transform and develop transport in line with the Paris Agreement: The Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) and Movin’ on ecosystem (former Michelin Challenge Bibendum (MCB)). These two organizations have taken the initiative for the PPMC. Together they bring together over 150 organizations working on sustainable mobility representing multi- and bilateral development organizations, financing institutions, civil society and foundations, academe and the business sector. The PPMC is an open and inclusive platform that actively invites all organizations and initiatives that support effective action on transport and climate change to join in the process.
The activities of the PPMC are guided by two central principles:
The PPMC will continue outreach on sustainable, low carbon and resilient transport through a number of common messages on mobility, climate and sustainable development. Partners and other interested groups will develop a series of knowledge products and disseminate these to stakeholders on climate change and sustainable development. Further, the PPMC will take the lead in organizing a series of official and unofficial side events on sustainable mobility and climate change.
The PPMC supports other initiatives on transport and climate change. This includes specifically the Transport Initiatives under the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (GCA) and the MPGCA Thematic Events on Transport at COP. PPMC played an important role in being the voice of transport at the LPAA Thematic Day at COP21, convening transport initiatives at COP22, COP23 and COP24, and will continue to do so in the following years.
Also, if you are interested to contribute to the PPMC as a partner or sponsor, please contact Maruxa Cardama ( and Nicolas Beaumont (