Mujeres y ciclismo urbano

En el marco de las actividades de la Comunidad de Práctica de MobiliseYourCity / EUROCLIMA+ se llevó a cabo el webinar organizado por la red Mujeres…
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Reports & Case Studies
MOREL Tristan
Technical Advisor
This document reports the findings of a comparative analysis of bus rapid transit (BRT) performance using information on 121 BRT systems throughout the world, in which random effects regression is employed as the modelling framework. Author: Hensher, D., Li, Z., Mulley, C. (2012) Journal: Report for Institute of Transport and Logistic Studies (ITLS), University of Sydney
This document reports the findings of a comparative analysis of bus rapid transit (BRT) performance using information on 121 BRT systems throughout the world, in which random effects regression is employed as the modelling framework. A number of sources of systematic variation are identified which have a statistically significant impact on BRT patronage in terms of daily passenger numbers such as fare, frequency, connectivity, pre-board fare collection, and location of with-flow bus lanes and doorways of a bus. In addition to the patronage model, a bus frequency model is estimated to identify the context within which higher levels of service frequency are delivered, notably where there exists higher population density, more trunk lines, the corridor provides bus priority facilities such as priority lanes for many bus routes, and where there is the presence of overtaking lanes at more than half of all stations along the heaviest section of the corridor. The findings offer important insights into features of BRT systems that are positive contributors to growing patronage which should be taken into account in designing and planning BRT systems.