Présentation de la communauté de pratique MobiliseYourCity / EUROCLIMA + COP25
Presentación de la Plataforma de Movilidad Urbana Sostenible en Latinoamérica, la comunidad de práctica de MobiliseYourCity y EUROCLIMA+
- Others
Gomez Mateo
Associate Mobility Expert
A concise resource guide for national and local transport climate action
This crowd-sourced resource guide was conceived by MobiliseYourCity, Slocat, Euroclima+, UITP and Rocky Mountain during En Route to COP26 to accelerate action towards zero-emission transport.
The guide provides a comprehensive list of tools and materials that can be used by urban mobility practitioners to support their efforts to decarbonize transport.
The guide covers a wide variety of organizations and topics ranging from Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans, electric mobility, walking, cycling, climate scenario modelling, NDC database, innovation and much more!
Download the resource guide here
Are you interested in contributing with your own tools to the guide? Then contact us at