Estacionamiento y políticas de gestión de demanda
Estacionamiento y políticas de reducción de tráfico en América Latina: estudio en 12 ciudades es el del estudio que Despacio junto con el ITDP,…
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Gomez Mateo
Associate Mobility Expert
Toolkit for developing Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)
Building on existing planning practices and taking into consideration integration, participation and evaluation principles, GIZ, together with MobiliseYourCity, has developed the SUMP toolkit.
The toolkit can be used by local decision-makers and mobility practitioners interested in, or in the process of, developing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) for their own city or any individual interested in knowing more about SUMP financing, MRV methodologies. and general information on SUMPs.
Access the SUMP Toolkit here.